Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Professionate Makes Event Staff Hiring Much Simple

Many companies lookout for the best event staff with excellent social skills to take their products into the market and enhance their brand image in the public. As companies participate in events or exhibitions they need experienced temporary event staff for which the companies often rely on the agencies. This is quite expensive as they need to pay not only the staff remuneration but also the agency fees for sending them candidates suitable to their requirement. However, companies can now avoid the agencies and directly recruit promotion staff by using the online platform provided by Professionate, which is the best job portal for temporary event staff. By browsing the portal companies can come across thousands of experienced hostesses, promoters, models, sales assistants and many who are interested in temporary promotion jobs for them to make a choice. The portal offers the best platform for the companies to find the right person for the right job wherever they are participating in the exhibitions or the events. The organisations can go through the profiles of the candidates not only their experience but also their ratings from other companies that have used their services that makes their selection easy. The organisations can also post their job vacancies with all details to receive resumes from enthusiasts who are interested in the job profile offered by them.

Event Staff

Those who are looking for promotion jobs can also find Professionate as the best platform as they no longer have to run behind multiple agencies for a job but simply post their resume on the portal and get noticed by companies and agencies for a job offer. The promoters can also directly apply for the dream companies they would like to work. As the portal displays jobs across the globe one can also find jobs even when they are on a vacation. The rating system on the portal also helps one to find best jobs of their choice. By passing agencies on can get directly hired by the companies offering higher salaries for one to make more income and avoid percentages to the recruiting agencies. Similarly, job agencies can also become a member of the portal to have access to thousands of profiles to present their clients.

Promotion Jobs in Dubai

The online portal for temporary jobs Professionate list a number of versatile promotion jobs across the globe for companies or promoters to meet their interests without any hassles.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Event Management Companies in Dubai Find Professionate the Best Portal to Fill Their Vacancies

Most of the companies rely on the agencies when it comes to hiring temporary staff for promotion of their products or services in the public. However, most of the agencies have limited database and are also quite expensive to avail the services. So instead of approaching agencies the companies are now finding the online staffing solutions being offered by Professionate as a wonderful alternative as it gives them access to not only thousands of profiles but also the chance to advertise their vacancy on the portal. Event management companies in Dubai can easily find the best models, event staff, sales assistants, exhibition host and hostesses etc anywhere and anytime across the globe to promote their products and services in the public. The companies no longer have to rely on the male modeling agencies but can simply find some of the best profiles on Professionate whether they want models to promote clothing, exhibit models, catalogue models, character models etc to find one that best suits to their vacancy. Companies can find models through the online job portal and save on the agency fees as well as have access to huge model selection within short time. The companies never have to trust the agencies blindly but can check out themselves to find models that come with the best looks as well as work experience being rated by other employers for reference.

Event Management Companies in Dubai

Similarly, the male or female models looking for work can find the online job portal as the best platform to promote their work and get noticed by the event management companies in Dubai for work. They can promote their profiles and portfolio on the portal and can also search for the best openings on the platform to apply directly to the companies recruiting models. Those looking for promotion jobs can also work in a vacation as they have access to job openings across the world and find work wherever they stay in the world. This temporary staffing portal is very cheap compared to recruiting agencies as the companies need to pay a small amount towards posting their vacancy on the portal and also having access to the database along with receiving profiles that best suit to their job vacancy. In fact, male modeling agencies can also benefit by becoming member on this portal as they shall have access to a huge database that can presented to their clients anytime and anywhere.